Dinitriwardani’s Blog

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10-32 ( NB01 ) Februari 5, 2010

Filed under: Audit 2 — dinitriwardani @ 3:04 am

Kertas Kerja Pemeriksaan Kelompok 1 (NB01)

Deboner Hillery Hasiholan (20207263)

Dini Tri Wardani (20207343)

Dini Yartiwulandari (21207266)

Yogi Afrianto (21207194)

Object: Anthony, CPA

Client: Medium-Sized Manufacturing Company

Item Strength Weakness Recommendation
A→B All requisitions of warehouse daprtment are fulfilled by purchase department
B→C Submission of document of purchase and the purchase order is attached
C→E There are inefficiencies in the submission document combines the purchase and the purchase order document. we recommend to the Anthony CPA to cut the double match pf the document so it would be more efficient.
D→E On receipt of goods department purchase orders and purchase requisition are not attached together the purchase order document is not match with the purchase requisition, it give a chance to manipulate the document.
E→F In the accounting department all the necessary documents are required

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